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Spoil the Grandkids: It's Grandparents Day at Me 'n Mommy To Be!

Spoil the Grandkids: It's Grandparents Day at Me 'n Mommy To Be!

Kelsey Morris |


Ah, Grandparents Day—a day dedicated to those special folks who’ve mastered the fine art of spoiling grandkids while conveniently forgetting all the rules they ever imposed on their own children. It’s like a Hallmark holiday, but with less card-buying anxiety and more cookie-baking enthusiasm. This April 8, 2024, we’re rolling out the red carpet (or, more accurately, the slightly less dusty welcome mat) at Me 'n Mommy To Be to celebrate all the amazing grandparents out there. So, get ready to revel in the sweet joy of grandkids, giggles, and maybe a little chaos. Trust us; it's going to be a hoot!

Why Grandparents Deserve a Whole Day Just for Themselves

Because, let's face it, grandparents are the rockstars of the family tree! They have this uncanny knack for making magic happen—like turning a grumpy toddler into a giggling ball of joy with just a wave of a cookie wand. Need life advice? They've got it in spades, usually wrapped in a tale that involves walking ten miles to school in a snowstorm. With no shoes. Uphill. Both ways.

Grandparents have navigated the parenting battlefield and come out the other side with a PhD in patience and a minor in spoiling. They've witnessed the evolution from vinyl to Spotify, from rotary phones to TikTok trends, and yet, they're still the first ones to "like" your cringe-worthy dance videos. That kind of unwavering support and adaptability? Legendary.

So, for one glorious day, let’s put them on a pedestal (preferably a comfy one with a footrest and a nice cup of tea). Let's shower them with love, laughter, and maybe a few less-than-subtle bribes in the form of sweets. Because when it comes to grandkids, grandparents are all about breaking the rules in the best way possible.

Exclusive Discounts and Deals for Grandparents and Grandkids

Brace yourselves, bargain hunters! At Me 'n Mommy To Be, we know that spoiling grandkids shouldn’t mean emptying your wallet. For this special Grandparents Day, we’re slashing prices in a way that’ll make your coupon-clipping aunt blush. How does 15% off your entire purchase sound? Yup, anything your grandkids point their sticky little fingers at is fair game—from the cutest onesies to toys that just might give you a moment of peace. (Emphasis on "might.") Just keep reading to see how to score this deal.

But wait, there’s more! Grandkids, parents, friends or anyone who posts to our grandparents social media post on 4/8 what their favorite memory is of their grandparents get the 15% off. It could be about food, fun or whatever else your greatest grandparent memory is. It’s like hitting the jackpot, but with more glitter and fewer taxes. So, polish up those dancing shoes and get ready to shop 'til you drop—grandparent-style.

Share Your Grandparents Day Fun on Social Media

Ready to turn your Grandparents Day shenanigans into social media gold? We’ve got just the thing. Whip out those smartphones and get snapping! Whether it's a pic of your grandkids wielding glue sticks like it's a Jedi training session or Grandma going head-to-head with a bubblegum bubble, we want to see it all.

Use our hashtag #GrandparentGoals to share the laughs, the love, and the general mayhem. Tag us, and you might just find your star-worthy moments spotlighted on our page. Yes, we're talking about your grandkids becoming the next viral sensation, right up there with dancing cats and dramatic chipmunks.

And here's the kicker: posting your fun could snag you a free gift card. We will be contacting peeps who have tagged us and giving away 5 free gift cards on Grandparents Day. Imagine winning more goodies just for showing off how awesome your day was. So, strike a pose, capture the magic, and make sure the world knows you’ve got the coolest grandkids (and the best cookie recipe, obviously).